Write Multiple Texts with ChatGPT

Multi Text AI Writer Do you know the problem? You waste all your time writing texts, and when you take ChatGPT, you can only write one text at a time, which takes a lot of time...

We have the solution!
The Multi Text AI Writer

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Below is our tool Multi Text AI Writer in action writing multiple texts with ChatGPT on PC. It's currently at text 356 out of 399. On the left side are the keywords for which search engine optimized texts are written. On the right side are the results, which are then merged into a complete text. The finished texts are saved in separate files.

Write Multiple Texts with ChatGPT
Product Image: Write Multiple Texts with ChatGPT

The Tool for Writing Multiple Texts with ChatGPT

The software is called "Multi Text AI Writer" and can write several texts at once with ChatGPT.
The structured and search engine optimized text is immediately available in HTML format so you can use it optimally. The files for the written texts can optionally be saved in the formats *.txt (TXT) or *.html (HTML) and are saved as the end result in a folder. Simply enter your keywords, specify how many texts you need, and the program for writing multiple texts with ChatGPT gets started.

Writing Several Texts with ChatGPT Is Quite Simple

There are four different modes for "writing multiple texts with ChatGPT"

Mode 1: Writing with a main keyword
The main keyword serves as a reference, and any number of additional keywords can be added. The program for writing many texts with ChatGPT writes a text for each main keyword, providing headlines and sentences in bold below.

Mode 2: Writing without a main keyword, comma-separated
In this mode, you can use different keywords for writing several texts at once with ChatGPT. There is no main keyword to which all texts are written, but the keywords are comma-separated. So it's easy to have texts created on different topics.

Mode 3: Separator-separated writing
Keyword blocks separated by a separator with different keywords are used. This allows you to freely specify different keywords and the number of headlines, resulting in texts of different lengths, each focusing on a different topic. Our program for ChatGPT writing several texts generates different texts with a varying number of headlines and bold fonts below.

Mode 4: Writing with self-posed questions
In all of the above modes, question catalogs for products, shopping, or services are used, which are provided. Of course, you can also create your own question catalogs. In this mode, the question catalog is not taken into account, and you can write a self-posed question before each topic. This gives you the absolute maximum flexibility for writing multiple texts with ChatGPT.

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Below is Mode 2: Writing without a main keyword, comma-separated. As you can see, there is a different main keyword before each comma.
Write Several Texts with ChatGPT
Screenshot: Write Several Texts with ChatGPT

Let ChatGPT Write Several Texts – Search Engine Optimized

Naturally, the result of writing many texts at once with ChatGPT is search engine optimized! The texts are varied and always have several headlines and bold fonts below. You can determine the number of headlines with bold fonts yourself. The texts are excellently indexed by search engines.

ChatGPT Write Several Texts
Screenshot: ChatGPT Write Several Texts

Try out the Multi Text AI Writer software for writing multiple texts with ChatGPT now and see for yourself the performance of our program.

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